david t list in a vintage chair in the forest

David hails from the humid subtropics of the southeastern US, where he writes fantasy fiction, plays bass, explores the wilderness, rents kayaks, builds worlds, and kicks it with his family.

He's adept at trouble-shooting, thanks largely to his proficiency at trouble-making, and puts both to use creatively to bring to life unlikely creatures, unique settings and situations, and villainous heroes, all in the fantasy world of Silexare.

What David’s up to?

-Writing THE HEATHEN TIDE, book 2 of Turesia Untamed. Book 1, VIOLENCE & VIGILANCE is available now in ebook and paperback at Amazon. Have a look!

-Playing bass for Something Once Sacred, previously Sounds of Silence, a rock band that frequents venues in northeast Georgia, playing jams from all over, but particularly 90s rock. Follow SoS on Facebook for info on upcoming shows!

-Renting and delivering kayaks, stand-up paddleboards, and canoes all around Lake Hartwell. As the primary yak-handler of Lake Hartwell Kayak Rental and Delivery, he’s able to drive around the prettiest lake in the land. If you don’t believe me, check out LHKRAD’s Facebook or Instagram pages for piles of crispy photos.

-Working on integrating Silexare (the world of David’s creation wherein his stories take place) into a tabletop RPG and other games and media.

-Tinkering in Schala, a dynamic environment simulator engine. This can include any number of pastimes, including building and maintaining a paludarium, researching chaos theory, studying SQL, and arguing online.

Selected Online Appearances

-Talk with Matt from Beard of Darkness Book Reviews on YouTube (video)

-Interview with Mihir from Fantasy Book Critic (blog post)

-Indie Author Spotlight on Beard of Darkness' YouTube (look for me around 9:23)

-Talk with Sam and Jarrod from Page Chewing and The Fantasy Thinker (podcast)