November 2023 News

Happy November. If this news update has a theme it's Online Store, because between now and next month, that is my priority. 


V&V's audiobook is underway, and we're in so deep I don't mind spilling some beans. I'm working with Jonathan Waters (click to see his site), and he's doing a tremendous job. Not just tremendous as in large character/word count, but also extremely good or impressive; excellent

I'll tell you a thing I told him: He's the only narrator I've ever worked with, but I think he's spoiled me for future narrators. He takes direction well. He works fast (ridiculously fast). He pulls off the inflections well, whether it's dry humor, desperation, rage, whatever. I'm excited and humbled to have him on board.

how rad is this cover?

I'm also working on a means to get a signed book into your hands like I did these saints:


I figure if I'm sending you books, I should also send bookmarks. And coffee cups. Reckon I should open an online store.

Lake Hartwell Kayak

The weather is cooling off. Fall and winter are quite slow, as you might imagine. But now and then the temperature will still climb above 70 degrees Fargenheist and yakkers will come a-calling. 

I uploaded some pictures to Google the other day because why not. If you're curious, follow this link to LHKRAD's contributions. Scroll down for more locations around Lake Hartwell. There are about fifteen locations, and ~140 photos. Check them out if you miss summer already like I do. 

I've got some hats for sale. Shirts are in the works. Looking into decals and towels and blankets. Starting to think I should open an online store.


"Oh is this the podcast you mentioned a while back?"

Nope. Different one. Enjoy this teaser-image for today. You're welcome.

I can tell ya this. I'm teaming up with fellow writers DB Rook and Tom Bookbeard and legendary interviewer Matt S, aka Beard of Darkness to bring you one of THE collaborations of all time.

Paludarium - Kingdom of Zeal

This is the thirteenth month of Zeal's existence. Of the original non-flora inhabitants, there have been three deaths. One was an unnamed minnow who disappeared in the first week of Oct 2022, never to be seen again. The second was Meanow, a mean minnow. No one missed him, least of all Timmy and Bertha. The third was Timmy. That one was tragic. 

I'm not sure what killed him and Meanow but I have a good idea what took them apart after death and disappeared them: Hans the crawdad, who I haven't seen in months. In fact the only evidence he's alive is that dead bodies disappear. 

The passing of those two males leaves only the females: Ariel and Bertha. 

both ladies are here if you can spot them

I'm leaning toward shutting down the paludarium to eventually rebuild. I've observed and learned a lot in this process and can rebuild better. The current layout is not optimal. 

"Does it bother you when wildlife dies on your watch?"

Death itself bothers me, but no. These animals had a safer life inside Zeal than they would've outside it. 

"But on the outside they can be free. I'd hate to be trapped in a glass prison."

Freedom is a construct of the clever, like yourself dear reader. Awareness of such concepts requires much more elevation on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs than most any cold-blooded animal will ever experience. (octopi excluded)

the smartest fish you'll ever meet hasn't risen above the second tier

"Are you saying fish are too stupid to know they're prisoners?  That sounds speciesist." 

Yes. To their credit, they're also exempt from most anything we'd label mental illness or even boredom, as those are features(bugs?) exclusive to the upper tiers. 

"I think you're speciesist and should really think hard about your world view. Leave room for nature. Fish have feelings."

I find that the harder I think, the more speciesist I become.

Random but largely gaming (mentions: Schala, Inheritance) 

I've obsessed over D&D my entire life, and only rarely managed to get into a game. When I learned about D&D I also learned it was the devil, largely because of Religious D&D Propaganda of the 90s

That never deterred me but tragically it kept D&D out of my house. Since then I've managed to play a session here and there but nothing regular. We won't go full history lesson, but just know that I am working to get a real session up with real humans. 

I also purchased the core rules for a system called Basic Roleplaying: Universal Game Engine. 

By Lahuvot, reading through these manuals inspired me as a youngster and nothing's changed. The frameworks of systems like this will greatly benefit Schala and Inheritance.

"What are those?"

Schala is a dynamic environment simulator engine I've mentioned a hundred times. Inheritance is a dark-themed game in progress my brother and I workshopped after my father passed away in August.

Next Month

Online Store will be live. More chapters of V&V's audiobook will be finished. The Beardmen of the Bookpocalypse will have marched closer!

I'll see you then.



December 2023 News


October 2023 News